Ships in Antarctic (3)

Maritime activity around Antarctic continent is not limited to bases supply ships. Several fishing ships come to catch deep sea fishs, appreciated in Europe and in Japan.
Coming from an Italian yard in 1974, Commandant Gué, fish factory vessel Terre-neuvas of S.N.P.L. becomes in 93 "Kerguelen de Tremarec" chartered from Comata for Intermarché, a French network of supermarkets. 87 metres long and 13 metres width, she is at that time the greater French trawler. Her two engines MAK of 2100 hp each alow to reach a maximum speed of 17 knots.
In 2000, she was fishing toothfish and the ice fish in the maritime economic zone of Kerguelen islands (Indian Ocean ). End 2003, the trawler is sold to Portuguese.
The seas around French Austral and Antarctic Territorries (TAAF) are rich in toothfish (the "white gold"), a fish with a rich and white flesh, researched on Asiatic and American markets. Seven ships were working on: SAPMER Armament ("Albius" and "Croix du Sud"), Armements Réunionnais ("Ile Bourbon"), COMATA ("Ile de la Réunion"), CAP BOURBON ( "Cap Horn" and "Cap Kersain" ), Armements des Mascareignes ("l’AZMINA"). The sum of captures was of 4 100 tons in 1999.

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ALBIUS is delivered in May 2002 by Piriou yards, at Concarneau (France)
Length over all 44.85 m width : 11 m

CAP GEORGE is chartered in 2000 by CAP BOURBON in a joint venture with Spanish Oya group then sold in 2001 to Oya and renamed Lena, then becoming known as a toothfish poaster under different names and flags.

Bought to Le Garrec armament at Boulogne-sur-Mer, CAP HORN goes to Saint-Malo 3 January 1973 to be transformed in deep freeze. Based at la Réunion, with a crew of 22, she fishes first off Somalia coasts in July 1973, then off Namibia and comes back to la Réunion on 8 January 1975 before being disarmed at Saint-Malo on 27 February 1975. CAP HORN is bought by SAPMER and transformed in lobster boat at Saint-Malo from July 1975. On 27 November 1975, she leaves la Réunion to fish the lobster at Saint Paul and Amsterdam. Cap Horn complete its fifth and last campaign in April 1980
In May 1980, SAPMER decides to replace CAP HORN and boughts at Saint-Malo Pierre Pleven, a former terre-neuvas of 78 m renamed AUSTRAL when Cap Horn eis sold the same year to a Greek shipowner.

AUSTRAL is a lobster fishing trawler of 78 metres long, with a crew of 48. She is fishing the red lobster around Saint-Paul and Amsterdam. The fish with serious rules occurs in austral summer, with crates, helped with tenders. At spring and in autumn, AUSTRAL draws her trawl on Kerguelen plate, in search of toothfish.

Sapmer, owner of Austral, is fishing for more than half a century the lobster around Saint-Paul and Amsterdam, and for more than 20 years, different fishs in the economic zones of Kerguelen and Crozet.

Built in 1904 for Overseas Transport Co. Ltd, AUSTRAL realises three campiagns from 1928 to March 1931 for the Bossière brothers. She is brocken up in 1933. GENEPESCA QUINTO - 50 GR 941 NET 600 DW 785- is renamed SAPMER (Société Pêche Maritime et de Ravitaillement) 1949 C.R.D.Adriatico - Tri 221'11" x 32' 6" Oil Engine 4SA 6 Cy 370 x 560mm
She carries 24 men including Martin de Viviès to Amsterdam on 31 Decembre 1949.
The brigantine CARMEN was built in 1879 as SAINTE MARTHE. Sold in 1907 and renamed MAURICE, then sold again to her original owner, Mrs Faucon, and named CARMEN, she leaves Marseilles in June 1908 to fish at Kerguelen with succes.
Her characteristics : 297 gt , 272 nt; 104' (31,7 m) x 24'6" (7,5 m)x 13'5".(2,26 m)
Built in 1946 by Espoir Sablais, Les Sables d’Olonne, France. This former coster is involved in a single fishing campaign to lobster and cod at Saint-Paul island from September 1951 to February 1952, then to transport supplies from Madagascar to Réunion.
Owned by Grands Moulins de Bordeaux, she made a dozen voyages between Madagascar and Saint Pierre.
1952 By entering the port she grounded. After a lengthy stay in port (Saint Pierre), she was broken up there.
The increase of fishing ships come with an increase of poachers. They are tirelessly pursued as much by navies as fishing survey ships.

FALKLAND PROTECTOR is a former trawler built at Gdansk in 1968. ARCTIC PRIVATEER is bought in 1974 by the British Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food.and refitted in a fishery-research vessel. OSIRIS is a Seychelles lobster fishing ship arrested by the French navy on January 13, 2003 for fishing illegally in French EEZ around Kerguelen ; in October 2003, she becomes a patrol boat and makes every year about 150 jours of patrol in complement to navy vessels.

Greenpeace may also intervene in Antarctic : GONDWANA, ice-breaker of 61 metres, 1435 tons encounters Japanese whale catchers in 88/89.
The Antarctic continent attracts also tourists. Small cruise vessels carry voyagers close to pinguins and seals colonies..

EXPLORER is one of the first ships on this market.
72.88 m long , 4.2 m draught, this small ship (118 passengers) is issued from Finnish yards in 1969 under the name LINDBLAD EXPLORER.
In spite of sveral incidents and change of owners, she continues to sail in cold waters in 2006.
Only 49 passengers board on the72 m long PROFESSOR MOLCHANOV. This former exploration and research ship built in Finalnd in 83 has a reinforced hull..

ENDEAVOUR is Built as a fish-factory vessel in 1966 for "Nordsee" Deutsche Hochseefischerei AG sunder the name MARBURG. She was converted in 1982 as cruise ship for 169 passengers. Named ENDEAVOUR in 2001, she becomes in 2005 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC ENDEAVOUR with 113 passengers and 64 crew. WORD DISCOVERER built in Schichau German yards in 1974 takes on board 138 passengers. 86.5 m long, she is powered at a maximum speed of 16.5 knots by two four-strocke MAK diesels of 3.530 kW each.
On 30 April 2000, the ship hits a reef off Solomon islands, without damage for the 99 passengers.before being declared total loss..

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OCEANIC ODYSSEY, built in Japan in 1989 as casino, comes for the first time in Antarctic in 1998/99. With 60 suites for 120 passengers, 103 m long, she is bought by Clipper Cruise Line and renamed Clipper Odyssey.

MARCO POLO is in fact the formerAlexsandr Pushkin built in East Germany for Leningrad-Montréal.line. Transformed in cruise ship in 92/93, she offers 450 cabins for 850 passengers : in February 1994 she sails around Antarctic. She was sold in 1998 to Ocean World Limited (Norwegian Cruise Line).
Other ships sail around Antarctique trying to not stop there : the yachts racing around the world.

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Isabelle Autissier's monohull of 18.28 m in carbon-epoxy , ECUREUIL POITOU-CHARENTES had to call in Kerguelen : Isabelle Autissier ahead in BOC Challenge 94/95 (round-the-world alone tour with calls) must replace her mast after gale-force winds.

In 1992, with SOFAP-HELVIM Jean-Luc Van den Heede (VDH) boucle le tour du monde en solitaire sans escale du Vendée Globe Challenge.
Architects: Philippe Harlé - Alain Mortain
Yard: CDK - Port la Forêt
Launch date: June 1991
Length: 18,28 m
Draught: 4,20 m
Displacement : 8,5 T
Ballast : 2 X 1700 L

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